Sending an RPC

How would I go about sending an RPC back to the send of the last one? Lets say… I sent an RPC to a health script the took away the other players health and once the health equaled 0 how would I send an RPC back to the killer telling him to add the kill? is it something like -


but that doesn’t seem right and doesn’t work.

Networked code doesn’t usually try to do things that way. Say you have 4 players and one bullet. The bullet was spawned by player 3, so it controls it and the other players mirror the position (the bullet code looks like: if not owner {do nothing}.)

When the bullet, in player 3’s copy, hits player 1, it sends out bulletHit(player1, 8 damage, RPC.ALL). All four players run the math, see player 1 was dead, give points… .

If you have more a server/client version, the server program runs everything. It does the damage, scores … and sends all client messages like updateScore(p3, newScore), or beginDeath(player1).