Sending artwork and assets - copyright on the web and on Unity forums

Hi there,

I was just wondering how do people protect their work from other people trying to steal assets?
I know that artwork is automatically copyright protected but how do you guys manage it here?
Do you put any watermarks or anything like it?

I am asking because I am about to send some work to someone who will be creating some music for my game but I don’t want anyone stealing my work.

As a bonus question, in the “Commercial and Collaborative work”, do you guys take any precautions before uploading examples of your work?


Have them sign a contract.

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Not to be paranoid, but people can break contracts and steal copyrighted artwork. If you want to protect assets, you can make a copy of your project and:

  • Batch apply watermarks to all textures. (If you don’t have Photoshop, it looks like you can use uMark Lite to batch watermark textures as described here.)

  • Add an extra layer to audio files that says “this is a development clip” or something like that.

  • Compile source code to DLLs.

You could use a tool like uTomate if you want to automate the process.

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Yeah I did think about applying watermarks, although in theory people can easily remove them by painting over them. Unless I apply watermarks all over the image like some websites are doing. I have Photoshop so that isn’t an issue thankfully.

The thing that baffles me, is the fact that on Unity I didn’t run into any threads that showcased their work (serious work that is) so I think I will have to do what you guys said.

Thanks a lot!

You cannot keep people from taking your stuff no matter what. Some people I mean. Heck look at all of the games we see come across these forums using commercial assets. Some people if they see an image they like will simply download it immediately. My strategy is just make super rough assets. Old school style. If they want to take they will but at least I am not spending hours and hours and hours trying to make it look awesome.

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Only work with people you trust.

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Guess I can’t work with anybody then. :frowning: