Sending out coordinates

I want an enemy to send out its position when it dies so that another object can decide if it will create a power up at the death point, or not.

My code is:

enemyPlace = GameObject.Find("Signal");
    if (enemyPlace == null)
    if (enemyPlace != null)
        print("Found the signal");
        SpawnPowerUp (hasSpawned,playerGot,kills);

The problem is, though, that it keeps returning the null, even when there are signals instantiated. (the object's name is signal, and they stay in the scene until SpawnPowerUp is executed)

Rather than using GameObject.Find, it might be better to consider passing a message directly from your enemy to the powerup manager.

Eg, assuming your powerup manager script is called "PowerupManager", and is placed on an empty gameobject in the scene, you could use this in your enemy script:

var powerupManager : PowerupManager;

function Start() {
    // when the enemy starts, it locates the instance of the powerup manager
    powerupManager = FindObjectOfType(PowerupManager);

function Kill() {
    // this enemy just died

    // tell powerup manager:

    // remove the enemy gameobject

Then, in your PowerupManager script:

GameObject powerupPrefab;

function NotifyDeath(diePosition : Vector3) {
    // 1 in 10 chance of a powerup appearing:
    if (Random.value > 0.9) {
        Instantiate(powerupPrefab, diePosition, Quaternion.identity);

Doing it this way means you don't have to do any 'finding' objects in order to pass information while your game is running. Each enemy only does a 'find' once when it's initially instantiated, which is much better for performance, and also for a clean structure to your game system's inter-communication.

For more information about this, see "Communication between objects and other scripts".