Sending phone rotation via a SyncVar, I must be missing something here?

Hey all

I’m trying to make a small project where a phone build should send its device orientation to the editor, to simulate VR headmovement. Its just to have an ease-of-use way of testing builds without putting your phone in the google cardboard, gearvr or whatever.

I decided to try and send the device orientation via a Vector3 SyncVar, but nothing happens on the receiving end. I set up the phone to act as a server, and the editor to act as a client (SyncVars go from server->client).

I double checked the device gyro output, and it reads just fine on the phone build, but isnt coming across the network. I just tagged my orientation variable with [SyncVar] and the each frame I update that value with the gyro readings.
I see the “Connected to server” message, so I’m assuming theres an actual connection.

Another solution would be to use OnSerialize/OnDeserialize, but the OnSerialize function doesnt seem to exist? Using Unity 5.3.4.
What am I missing here?

code below

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;

public class MyNetworkManager : NetworkBehaviour {

    public bool isAtStartup = true;
    private bool serverMode = false;

    private bool serverRunning = false;

    NetworkClient myClient;

    [SyncVar(hook ="OnRotChange")]
    public Vector3 phoneOrientation;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {

        Input.gyro.enabled = true;

    void OnRotChange(Vector3 rot)
        Debug.Log("new value: "+rot);

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

        if (isServer)

    void SyncPhoneRotationData()
        phoneOrientation = Input.gyro.attitude.eulerAngles;     

    void OnGUI()
        if (isAtStartup)
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10,10,100,100),"Phone server"))

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 120, 100, 100), "Desktop client"))

    // Create a server and listen on a port
    public void SetupServer()
        isAtStartup = false;
        serverMode = true;

    // Create a client and connect to the server port
    public void SetupClient()
        myClient = new NetworkClient();
        myClient.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);
        myClient.Connect("", 4444);
        isAtStartup = false;

    // Create a local client and connect to the local server
    public void SetupLocalClient()
        myClient = ClientScene.ConnectLocalServer();
        myClient.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);
        isAtStartup = false;

    // client function
    public void OnConnected(NetworkMessage netMsg)
        Debug.Log("Connected to server");

So it seems I need to add a [Command] method to trigger the sending of this. As what I’m trying to do is stream data every frame, I guess I should not use SyncVars and look into OnSerialize instead.