SendMessage on DontDestroyOnLoad object

I have a script on a GameObject that I’d like to interact with. I have a loading scene where I create some empty GameObjects to hold scripts for certain global features. I persist them with DontDestroyOnLoad. I would have thought that I could then do the following:

private var inputObject : GameObject;

function Start()
inputObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GlobalInput");

function PrintText

However, when I do this, I get the error that SendMessage does not find a receiver. It would seem then that the GlobalInput object is being found, but the GlobalInput script attached to it is not able to receive the SendMessage. I’m wondering where I’ve gone wrong. Thanks.

Since the correct answer was submitted as a comment, I’m adding it as an answer. Basically, removing the quotes from the parameter passed to GetComponent did the trick.