SendMessage setName has no receiver!

Hello Unity Community i have a problem with this spawnScipt i found online and i need some guidance for a error i’m getting after Spawner a few mobs at the same time,

SendMessage setName has no receiver!
UnityEngine.GameObject:SendMessage(String, Object)
Spawner:spawnEnemy() (at Assets/Scripts/Spawner.cs:219)
Spawner:Update() (at Assets/Scripts/Spawner.cs:161)

so heres the script, i hope you guys have a solution cause i’m about to go down on this:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour
	// Color of the gizmo
	public Color gizmoColor =;
	// All the Enums
	// Spawn types
	public enum SpawnTypes
	// The different Enemy levels
	public enum EnemyLevels
	// End of the Enums
	// Enemy level to be spawnedEnemy
	public EnemyLevels enemyLevel = EnemyLevels.Easy;
	// Enemy Prefabs
	public GameObject EasyEnemy;
	public GameObject MediumEnemy;
	public GameObject HardEnemy;
	public GameObject BossEnemy;
	private Dictionary<EnemyLevels, GameObject> Enemies = new Dictionary<EnemyLevels, GameObject>(4);
	// End of Enemy Prefabs
	// Enemies and how many have been created and how many are to be created
	public int totalEnemy = 10;
	private int numEnemy = 0;
	private int spawnedEnemy = 0;
	// End of Enemy Settings
	// The ID of the spawner
	private int SpawnID;
	// Different Spawn states and ways of doing them
	private bool waveSpawn = false;
	public bool Spawn = true;
	public SpawnTypes spawnType = SpawnTypes.Normal;
	// timed wave controls
	public float waveTimer = 30.0f;
	private float timeTillWave = 0.0f;
	//Wave controls
	public int totalWaves = 5;
	private int numWaves = 0;
	// End of Different Spawn states and ways of doing them
	void Start()
		// sets a random number for the id of the spawner
		SpawnID = Random.Range(1, 500);
		Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Easy, EasyEnemy);
		Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Boss, BossEnemy);
		Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Medium, MediumEnemy);
		Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Hard, HardEnemy);
	// Draws a cube to show where the spawn point is... Useful if you don't have a object that show the spawn point
	void OnDrawGizmos()
		// Sets the color to red
		Gizmos.color = gizmoColor;
		//draws a small cube at the location of the gam object that the script is attached to
		Gizmos.DrawCube(transform.position, new Vector3 (0.5f,0.5f,0.5f));
	void Update ()
			// Spawns enemies everytime one dies
			if (spawnType == SpawnTypes.Normal)
				// checks to see if the number of spawned enemies is less than the max num of enemies
				if(numEnemy < totalEnemy)
					// spawns an enemy
			// Spawns enemies only once
			else if (spawnType == SpawnTypes.Once)
				// checks to see if the overall spawned num of enemies is more or equal to the total to be spawned
				if(spawnedEnemy >= totalEnemy)
					//sets the spawner to false
					Spawn = false;
					// spawns an enemy
			//spawns enemies in waves, so once all are dead, spawns more
			else if (spawnType == SpawnTypes.Wave)
				if(numWaves < totalWaves + 1)
					if (waveSpawn)
						//spawns an enemy
					if (numEnemy == 0)
						// enables the wave spawner
						waveSpawn = true;
						//increase the number of waves
					if(numEnemy == totalEnemy)
						// disables the wave spawner
						waveSpawn = false;
			// Spawns enemies in waves but based on time.
			else if(spawnType == SpawnTypes.TimedWave)
				// checks if the number of waves is bigger than the total waves
				if(numWaves <= totalWaves)
					// Increases the timer to allow the timed waves to work
					timeTillWave += Time.deltaTime;
					if (waveSpawn)
						//spawns an enemy
					// checks if the time is equal to the time required for a new wave
					if (timeTillWave >= waveTimer)
						// enables the wave spawner
						waveSpawn = true;
						// sets the time back to zero
						timeTillWave = 0.0f;
						// increases the number of waves
						// A hack to get it to spawn the same number of enemies regardless of how many have been killed
						numEnemy = 0;
					if(numEnemy >= totalEnemy)
						// diables the wave spawner
						waveSpawn = false;
					Spawn = false;
	// spawns an enemy based on the enemy level that you selected
	private void spawnEnemy()
		GameObject Enemy = (GameObject) Instantiate(Enemies[enemyLevel], gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
		Enemy.SendMessage("setName", SpawnID);
		// Increase the total number of enemies spawned and the number of spawned enemies
	// Call this function from the enemy when it "dies" to remove an enemy count
	public void killEnemy(int sID)
		// if the enemy's spawnId is equal to this spawnersID then remove an enemy count
		if (SpawnID == sID)
	//enable the spawner based on spawnerID
	public void enableSpawner(int sID)
		if (SpawnID == sID)
			Spawn = true;
	//disable the spawner based on spawnerID
	public void disableSpawner(int sID)
		if(SpawnID == sID)
			Spawn = false;
	// returns the Time Till the Next Wave, for a interface, ect.
	public float TimeTillWave
			return timeTillWave;
	// Enable the spawner, useful for trigger events because you don't know the spawner's ID.
	public void enableTrigger()
		Spawn = true;

You see this line?

Enemy.SendMessage("setName", SpawnID);

That’s expecting that whatever GameObject “Enemy” is, some script attached to it has a function named “setName”. I don’t know necessarily what that function is supposed to do, but from the error you’re getting I know that it’s not there.

Maybe there’s a script component you forgot to attach to the enemy prefab?