I was just wondering if anybody know if it is posible to have different network sendrates in a game. e.g. if you have an object that requires 20 unreliable transmissions/sec and another which can suffice with less… say 10?
//Per lohmann
I was just wondering if anybody know if it is posible to have different network sendrates in a game. e.g. if you have an object that requires 20 unreliable transmissions/sec and another which can suffice with less… say 10?
//Per lohmann
well another question within the same topic:
SendRate is limited by fps aswell right? say you have a sendrate of 1000000000, but you dont run more than 100 fps. the sendrate is capped at 100 fps in this case (just fictional numbers ;o) ) else you would prob have to do some thread programming.
actual sendrate = (fps<sendrate) ? fps : sendrate; ;o)
or am I wrong?
Chances are higher that there is some code behind the scene that makes totally worthless settings beeing ignored, like more than 100 is pointless as already 10ms latency and 100 * number of network views packets are already unrealistic, even within a 100mbit LAN
hehe well maybe, but as I wrote those are just fictional numbers.
I require a sendrate for voice com of 50 packets/sec, but I have no idea what the max fps or even average fps in our lvls are going to be at this point and if (as i believe) the sendrate is limited by the fps then the fps has to be above 50 at all times.
I really dont want to implement sockets for the voice com with a different port.
It would save me some time and headaches if everything could be transmitted through Unity.
But now that you say it… does anyone know the overhead of network view packets? the voice com Im working on encodes 20ms voice into 38 bytes (44 with own header).