Sensitivity of Mousewheel in SceneView

At some point in Unity 2018 or 2019, the mousewheel sensitivity changed.

Most of my objects are between 0.1 and 1 units across. The mousewheel is unusable to zoom when near them.

If I use RMB+WASD, the only speed that makes sense is the smallest possible sensitivity (0.01) there, as well.

What am I doing wrong, should my scale of stuff be much larger (i.e. 10x to even 1000x as large?)


In older versions of Unity the “F” key would fix this by moving the camera near the object and resetting the sensitivity scale (which I feel should be quadratic anyway, and be a “zoom” setting on top of the camera position!)

This is no longer the case, and by now it’s driving me nuts to the point that I’m considering scaling all my assets up 1000x.

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Testing this, I think it is indeed much better at 1000x scale. There ought to be an offset to the UI scale depending on your desired world scale.

(for this particular game, a strategic space simulation, I want Unity units to be kilometers, not meters)

Actually, this makes no sense, because I’d need preposterous clipping volumes this way.

(well, predominantly, z-fighting comes from the ratio of the near and far clip distances, but still :))

So my linear fog ends at 75000 now (75km, which is about the view distance) … I’ll try this, but I’m afraid even the colliders get insanely large, representing hundreds of meters in actually hundreds of units.

I’d be pretty happy to have a modifier key adjust the mouse-scroll zoom amount. 95% of the time, the default is fine. Every so often, when zooming in on smal things, it would be nice to be able to hold ctrl or alt to get 10x or 100x more detail.

Currently, the workaround is to hold alt and RMB at the same time, then move the mouse left and right or up and down. It would just be nice for dynamic increments on the scroll wheel.