Sensors and other hardware

Hi, I’m about to start up a new project and it is almost certain that there will be used external hardware like sensors for input to Unity and some light devices that can take outputs from Unity. I have never worked with anything like that before. So I just wanted to ask if it’s possible do with Unity and if there is any of you guys who has some experience you wanna share or have some links.


yes it would be possible if you use plugins… for example Phidgets [] has several libraries that you could fairly straightforwardly be made into a unity plugin… or if you are happy to run in a browser then you could use the AS3/Flex library and get Flash to do the hardwork… as it were :wink: That’s probably the only solution if you are using the Indy version of Unity.

I must admit making a Phidget Unity library is on my wishlist of things I’d like to make for Unity.


Hi and thanks for the link. I’ll check it out later today.

How big a job would it be to make a library into a unity plugin? I was hopping that it would be more like plug in a joystick, and just read its output.

How long is a piece of string? It’s really a hard question to answer… if you know what you’re doing you could probably get something up and going in a couple of days.

Well if you’re using a joystick then something like ControllerMate might work for you.


if you want other sensors in your game ( other than the buttons and potentiometers) its easy to dismantle a keyboard or a joypad and then add on some new sensors … then you would have an working sensor box with hid interface …
you could also ad a digital potentiometer t ok o your joypad (like i did) and then add an arduino-chip - then its possible to add almost any sensor to your game.


here a alternative to Arduino (which is opensource and of course much cheaper and you can “downsize” it and use as sticker (lilli-boards) but anyway for fast prototyping, try out this:


Hey guys, i’m new to this forum and would appreciate some advice. I’ve been constructing a VR glove to be used with Unity3d Pro and the Oculus Rift. So far i’ve managed to link an Arduino to unity. However the problem i’m having is how to map input from various sensors and use the data to control a Model in real time. Essentially i’d like a way to map inputs directly into a controller for Unity3d. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.