SensorSDK 'PointCloudBuffer' not found

Hello, I am a new user to Sensor SDK

I have followed the instruction and installed the Sensor SDK 2.0 under Editor 2022.2.0 using the 3D sampling scene (HDRP) template.

To test weather the package is working, I have downloaded the sampels from the package. I have tried to run the ‘Lidar Motion Correction’ scene. The vehicle does move, but the ‘LidarIntensityViewer’ showed nothing and 22 errors pop-up in the Console. All the errors showed there are some files were not found from the script. (Error messages can be seen from the attachment file)

I did tried to select the ‘Mechatronics’ and select ‘Force all script Recompilsation’ and it did not fix the problem.

Can somebody please tell me how to fix the problems

Thank you very much for your attention, I am looking forward to your reply.


I believe that question is for forum