Sentis - RetinaNet Onnx import gives 'Slice' op. error

I am trying to import to Unity with Sentis 2.0, the onnx export of the RetinaNet which I got from the models/Computer_Vision at main · onnx/models ( I’m getting the following error:

OnnxImportException: The given key 'onnx::Slice_3085' was not in the dictionary.

Note that the onnx model in the link was obtained using Opset version 16. I also tried 11, 13 and 15 and got a similar error.

I read that the Slice operation is supported. Is this not related with this error?

Thanks in advance!

Thanks for the report, I looked at the model and found that the ‘onnx::Slice_3085’ is the result of an ‘If’ operator.

We do not support this onnx operator in Sentis, thus the model can’t be imported. Sorry that the error is not clearer in explaining this.