Our plans are to release two separate builds for iOS: one for iphone only and one ipad only, rather than have iphone+ipad builds. Our reasons for this is our 2D game textures for ipad would be far too big for iPhone.
Just curious if there’s anything that we need to know about this – i.e. is it a good/bad idea, anyone’s experience in release separate builds or combined etc.
But how is that possible when max texture size for iphone is 1024 (esp considering iphone4) and this won’t big enough to handle HD ipad texture sheets? I’m making a 2D game requiring pixel perfect art
I believe 1024 is the maximum size for armv6 devices only, which are no longer supported in Xcode, so are not an issue. 2048 is the lowest limit you need to worry about.
Universal builds are a lot less hassle for the user with multiple devices, so are the best option if you can make it work.
Yes, I did two builds, but really noticed no difference on my textures, when loading an iPhone texture onto iPad. That said, I originally wanted to do a universal, with separate levels for iPad and iPhone ( levelXiPad, levelXiPhone). Differentiated, only by texture sizes. This universal build was larger than 50MB tho, and this, could only be downloaded over wifi. I thought this was too limiting, so I rebuilt with two.
I am rebooting my title and am aiming to put it all into one.
Hm…okay this is all good food for thought. Including 2 texture sets for iphone and ipad will make my build humongous though! Will be over the limit as it is… I’ll have to do some tests and see.
I thought the 2048 from my experience isn’t just an architecture support thing, but just memory (especially for the 4)?? I know I did tests ages back and it caused all sorts of issues… but maybe it’s different now with ARMV7?