First of all thank you to let us getting access to this amazing little project, it’s super cute! I love it! I am thrilled to learn how it works.
I tried to record a shot from the timeline but failed. The sound was not synchronized with the video. Then I read the documentation about the section “Exporting a video” and followed the step but the same problem happens. I don’t know if this is an issue already seen by your team or if I got wrong.
I tried to record the S00 with the “Movie_MP4” and the “Movie_AppleProres”.
When I recorded once the shot, the sound was not playing anymore from the Timeline. I restarted Unity and it fixed this problem (this problem never happened again).
I am using Unity 2020.3.5f1 and did not update any package.
I couldn’t reproduce your problem. I’m on 2020.3.2f1.
How did you set up your first recording from the timeline? By adding a Recorder Track to S00? I just tried that and it is properly synced. How out of sync was the problem?
Note that when you are recording to a file, the audio will be rerouted from your sound card to the file, so you will not hear the audio as it is being recorded.
I’d love to have more detailed repro steps for the problem if you can.
Maybe I should say I created a new HDRP project and import the Cinematic Sample package from the package manager (I chose Open from the Asset Store and it listed it in the package manager).
Yes I tried from the Timeline first with a recorder track and a recorder clip with basic MP4 profile :
I just start Play in the Editor and it starts the timeline automatically with a 1 second delay due to the WaitOnStartup component on the MICH-L_Cinematic GameObject.
Then I saw it was not working (sound faster than images problem) and I read the documentation. I saw there was a section for recording so I followed the steps :
But the result was the same. The audio runs faster than the images (or maybe the images run slower, the sound ends). I confirm that the sound is muted during the recording and goes back when it’s done while still playing the timeline.
It’s a new problem for me since I did not have this problem on other productions I worked on. It’s not the first time I work with timeline and recorder.
Here is the recorder file (same result either from timeline or from the documentation steps) :
Hello! Could you please have a look at the “Director update mode” property on the main Playable Director component?
It is recommended to set it on “GameTime” for recording.
Thanks for figuring this out @g4ma !
Indeed, the Playable Director must follow GameTime, otherwise such issues can occur.
I followed your steps @GeniusKoala but I had GameTime set by default, not DSP Clock, so it really looks like something changed in your project.
We are aware of the DSP clock issues and are investigating it. Regards
I have some problems using the recorder too.
To output AOV_Depth, the output image is black(with nothing).It works only when the object is near the camera.
To output Alembic Clip, I found terrain does not exist in abc file.I think it is very useful for output the terrain to make effect in houdini.
This sounds like you are expecting objects outside outside the camera frustum to appear.
Are the items visible to the GameView camera?
Please send screenshots of the Editor/GameView and your Recorder Window settings.
Your depth is correct, there is just a lot of distance between the camera and the object. I played with the levels in image editing software and got this:
Thank you for your answer. I got this too. Sorry there is another problem, the ground is a plane, but the color is not smooth enough to use this to do the next work( like using software “nuke”). Is there any way to make it smoother?