Hi. I was wondering, since you can’t use movies in INDIE can you use image sequences? I have an cutscene (image sequence) which is important to my game and i need to use it but I only have INDIE.
Anyone? Please.
Try this:
Oops, misread the question. Here’s a script that uses an image sequence.
var images : Texture2D[];
var frameDelay = 0.2;
var mat : Material;
private var index = 0;
function Start ()
while (true)
mat.mainTexture = images [index];
index = Mathf.Repeat (index, images.length);
yield WaitForSeconds (frameDelay);
Thanks! Now how do I get all of the images into ONE material?
My script does that for you. Just place all the images into the images array (in the inspector). Then assign your material to the mat variable. Then the script will animate the material.