Sequences and 2022.2b8 scripting API changes

I was having a look at 2022.2b8 (I wanted to blending of volumetric clouds) and noticed a number of public fields etc on UnityEngine.Sequences.MasterSequence have gone. E.g. you used to be able to go “masterSequence.rootSequence” to get the root TimelineSequence, then use .children to get all the child sequences, then sequence.editorialClip to get the clip for the sequence. But these fields have all gone.

Have they moved somewhere else, or are they gone for good?

I had a C# that created all missing shots for me automatically, and pre-populated with useful defaults. It took a screenplay file and set up the project skeleton for me automatically. It looked for existing shots, creating new ones if missing. It also changed the default length of shot clips to 10 seconds from the default of 2, dropped in default cameras etc. Just wondering if I need to use a different approach or just give up on the script. E.g. do I look in the timeline now instead and look for the references to child timelines that way instead. Thanks!

A related question - is Sequences-2.0.0-pre.2 ready for testing? I upgraded a project from 2022.1 to 2022.2b8 and the “Sequences” window only shows the top level master sequences - all the subsequences are gone. I also cannot click on any sequences to activate them.

I am guessing the way sequences are put together is different now given also the API change. Did the upgrade process fail perhaps to convert from the old format to the new one?

(UPDATE: I created a post for this over in the beta area Sequences corrupted during upgrade from 2022.1 to 2022.2b8 )