Serializable class doesn't store list<>

Hi everyone, I have a problem, that I can’t store the list “distances” inside my serializable class. The UnityEditor “forgets” it after a cycle. The class RAYpoint on the other hand is stored ,therefore I can get x,y,z. Guess its a problem with list in general. I tried some solutions offered by other users, sadly so far, I didn’t get it to work. Hope someone can point me in the right direction. Cheers

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class RAYpoint{

	public RAYpoint(Vector3 vec) { vector = vec; }
	public Vector3 vector;
	public bool updated = false;

	public List<_DistancePoint> distances = new List<_DistancePoint>();
	public RAYpoint[] neighbors = new RAYpoint[0];

	public void reset(){
		distances = new List<_DistancePoint>();
		neighbors = new RAYpoint[0];
	public RAYpoint[] GetNeighbors(){

		if (!updated) {

			SortDistance ();

			neighbors = new RAYpoint[distances.Count];

			for(int i = 0; i < distances.Count; i++){
				neighbors _= distances*.point;*_

* }*
* }*

* return neighbors;*
* }*

* public void AddDistance(float distance, RAYpoint point){*
* updated = false;*

* if (distances == null) {*
* distances = new List<DistancePoint>();

* distances.Add (new DistancePoint (distance, point));

* public void SortDistance(){*
* if (!updated) {*
* distances.Sort(*
* delegate(_DistancePoint p1, DistancePoint p2) {
return p1.distance.CompareTo (p2.distance);*

* });*
* }*
* updated = true;*
* }*

* public float x {*
* get {*
* return vector.x;*
* }*
* set*
* {*
* vector = new Vector3(value, vector.y, vector.z);*
* }*
* }*

* public float y {*
* get {*
* return vector.y;*
* }*
* set*
* {*
* vector = new Vector3(vector.x, value , vector.z);*
* }*
* }*

* public float z {*
* get {*
* return vector.z;*
* }*
* set*
* {*
* vector = new Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, value);*
* }*
* }*

* public static implicit operator Vector3(RAYpoint obj){*
* return obj.vector;*
* }*
* // User-defined conversion from double to Digit*
* public static implicit operator RAYpoint(Vector3 vector){*
* return new RAYpoint(vector);*
* }*

* public override string ToString(){*
* return vector.ToString();*
* }*

_ /**************************************/_
* [System.Serializable]*
* public class _DistancePoint{*

* public float distance { get; set; }*
* public RAYpoint point { get; set; }*

* public _DistancePoint(float distance, RAYpoint point){*

* this.distance = distance;*
* this.point = point;*
* }*

* public override string ToString(){*
* return "Distance: " + distance + " Point: " + point;*
* }*
* }*


Make sure the _DistancePoint class is marked with System.Serializable, and the fields are serializable by Unity as well.