Serialization is incorrect on Android

Hello there.
I want to serialize game data for an Android game. I had to change some things about my first script that was working, but now I have problems with that script.
I am sure there is a much smoother way of doing this:

  1. I want to store my data in a “DataHandleScript” at runtime.
  2. I want to store my data in serialized binary between game sessions.

I tried to strip this whole thing down into one script, but I had some problems. I wanted to be able to call all variables without reference (-> static variables would be easy), but they are supposed to be serializable (so static is not possible).


SaveValues.highscore = x;  //or SaveValues.Instance.highscore

I’ve tried following multiple tutorials, but they didn’t guide me to the solution I wanted, therefore I tried changing their suggestions a little. Only problem is that if I load another scene or reopen the app, the values have randomly increased a lot (e.g. from 115 scored points to 22.465).

This is the main part of my Saving Script:

public static class SavingValues
public static SaveValues Instance;

void Awake(){
	Instance = this;

public void Load()
	if (File.Exists(Application.streamingAssetsPath+"/SaveFile.bfp"))
	{ = SaveData.Load(Application.persistentDataPath+"/"+SaveValues.Instance.fileName+".bfp");
		SaveValues.Instance.highscore =<int>("Highscore");
		SaveValues.Instance.collectedPoints =<int>("CollectedPoints");
		SaveValues.Instance.shopUnlocked =<bool>("ShopUnlocked");
		SaveValues.Instance.lifetimeScore =<int>("LifetimeScore");

public void Save()
{ = new SaveData(SaveValues.Instance.fileName);["Highscore"] = SaveValues.Instance.highscore;["CollectedPoints"] = SaveValues.Instance.collectedPoints;["ShopUnlocked"] = SaveValues.Instance.shopUnlocked;["LifetimeScore"] = SaveValues.Instance.lifetimeScore;;

public void Reset(bool firstStartDone)
{ = new SaveData(SaveValues.Instance.fileName);["Highscore"] = 0;["CollectedPoints"] = 0;["ShopUnlocked"] = false;["LifetimeScore"] = 0;["FirstStartDone"] = firstStartDone;;

And this is my DataHandleClass:

public class SaveValues
	public int highscore = 0;				//saved Highscore
	public int collectedPoints = 0;			//Points collected on this account
	public bool shopUnlocked = false;		//Is shop unlocked
	public int lifetimeScore = 0;			//count of all points ever collected
	public string fileName = "SaveFile";	        //name of the save file
	private SaveData data;				//save data variable

in the same script.
I hope you can show me a better way of archieving my goal or find the reason for this script to strangely increasing my values.
Please help me, I have made great progress in my game but I’m stuck with this problem for a few weeks now and I can’t find a proper solution.

Thanks in advance.

A common implementation is to use a simple singleton class for both, storing the values with a BinaryFormatter and provide global access to those values.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.IO;

public class SaveValues
    public int highscore = 0;
    public int collectedPoints = 0;
    public bool shopUnlocked = false;
    public int lifetimeScore = 0;
    public bool FirstStartDone = false;
    private static string m_DefaultFileName = "SaveFile.bfp";
    private static SaveValues m_Instance = null;
    public static SaveValues Instance
            if (m_Instance == null)
                if (!Load())
                    m_Instance = new SaveValues();
            return m_Instance;
    public static void Save()
        Save(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + m_DefaultFileName);
    public static void Save(string aFileName)
        using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(aFileName))
            var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            formatter.Serialize(stream, Instance);
    public static bool Load()
        return Load(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + m_DefaultFileName);

    public static bool Load(string aFileName)
        if (!File.Exists(aFileName))
            return false;
        using (var stream = File.OpenRead(aFileName))
            var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            m_Instance = (SaveValues)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
        return true;
    public static void Reset()
        Instance.highscore = 0;
        Instance.collectedPoints = 0;
        Instance.shopUnlocked = false;
        Instance.lifetimeScore = 0;

public class SaveLoadManager : MonoBehaviour
	void Awake()

Here you can access your values from everywhere using:

SaveValues.Instance.highscore = 6;

If you don’t like the “Instance” in between, you can add static properties for all your values like that:

public static int highscore
    get { return Instance.highscore; }
    set {Instance.highscore = value; }

***edit ***
Fixed an issue that would result in a stack overflow when the save files doesn’t exist yet ^^.

I’ve figured it out. My problem wasn’t this script (although It would have been a problem too ^^).
In a FixedUpdate()-Function of mine a script has done this:

void FixedUpdate ()
		if (gameover == true)
			scoreText.text = "Score: " + score; 															
			GameOverText.text = "GAME OVER"; 																
			FinalScoreText.text = "You've earned " + score + " points.";													
		Instance.collectedPoints += score;

Which ultimately leads to a repeated addition of the score to the collectedPoints variable until I load another scene. I’ve fixed that and now it works!

Thanks though, @Bunny83, your answers were extremely helpful too.