Serialize Lists with multiple inherited classes or interfaces ?

Hello there :slight_smile:
I’m trying to Serialize a List with objects from different kind of classes that inherit from one base class. This list should allow me both to see all the objects and their serialized variables. However, I can only see the variables from the base class but not the ones from the inherited ones. I believe this is due to the fact that when serialized all the child classes get turned into the base class. If this should be right, how can I solve this problem ?
I’m also wondering whether there is a way to get to a solution if I was able to serialize interfaces as all the child classes could inherit from that interface and the problem would be solved. But since I don’t have the money to buy odin Inspector nor ANY idea on how to implmement custom serialization that seems to be a dead end, too.

Well, at least for me. I hope that you are a generous genius that is willing to help :slight_smile:

Ps: I hope that does make some sense… (if it doesn’t I would glad to specify myself further)

public class Condition
    [SerializeField] int intone;
    //is visible

public class ConditionChild : Condition
    [SerializeField] int inttwo;
    //is not visible

public class Transition
    public Transition() { }

    [SerializeField] public List<Condition> conditions = new List<Condition>();

Use SerializeReferenceAttribute for you list - it supports polymorphism of type of serialized elements.
Docs for attribute here: Unity - Scripting API: SerializeReference
Read attentively all serialization restrictions in docs. Supported from Unity 2019.3, as I remember