Serialized Array vs Serialized data into texture

I experienced problems when serialized a huge chunk of data into a scene.

I know, Scriptable Objects must be used in this case, that’s what Unity specifically says and that’s the main purpose of these, but in this case I cannot for whatever reason.

Three options I tested:

  • A serialized huge array of floats with SerializeField attribute.
  • A RFloat Texture2D with SerializeField also.
  • A reference to a scriptable object instance created on runtime that stores a float[ ] inside.
    [SerializeField, HideInInspector]
    Texture2D texture;

    [SerializeField, HideInInspector]
    float[] values;

    [SerializeField, HideInInspector]
    ScriptableObjectData scriptableObjectValues;

    class ScriptableObjectData : ScriptableObject
        float[] values;

        public ScriptableObjectData(float[] vs)
            values = new float[vs.Length];
            for(int i = 0; i < vs.Length; i++)
                values[i] = vs[i];

When saving and reading the scene I get a huge component with

--- !u!114 &1612248423
  ------------ stuff I removed-------------
  m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: c8c11258f21500a4ba12e7615cea262d, type: 3}  <-- ScriptableObj
  texture: {fileID: 216413733}   <--- Texture link to another section of the scene file
  values:   <--- Array of values
  - 0.5202928
  - 0.91587794
  - 0.60766333
  - 0.4038003
  - 0.28146175
  - 0.83561945
  - 0.8477241
  - 0.21605495
  - 0.23540178
  - 0.70007235
  - 0.7711518
  - 0.02141595
  - 0.8566569
  - 0.34342197
  - 0.4864542
  - 0.58620375
  - 0.097970024
  - 0.7730595
  - 0.7509897
  - 0.5077258
  - 0.13669802

So I’ve been told having the data on an array is terribly slow in the editor. Even though all of them have HideInInspector attribute, the data is managed by the UI anyway (??).
but having the data stored on a Texture is fast.

But the data in the texture takes as much amount as the array

The scriptable object reference is stored as another object in the scene. That’s probably not wanted either… It has to be stored in the scene.

--- !u!28 &216413733
  m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
  m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
  m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
  m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
    serializedVersion: 2
    Hash: 00000000000000000000000000000000
  m_ForcedFallbackFormat: 4
  m_DownscaleFallback: 0
  m_IsAlphaChannelOptional: 0
  serializedVersion: 2
  m_Width: 500
  m_Height: 500
  m_CompleteImageSize: 1000000
  m_MipsStripped: 0
  m_TextureFormat: 18
  m_MipCount: 1
  m_IsReadable: 1
  m_IsPreProcessed: 0
  m_IgnoreMasterTextureLimit: 0
  m_StreamingMipmaps: 0
  m_StreamingMipmapsPriority: 0
  m_VTOnly: 0
  m_AlphaIsTransparency: 0
  m_ImageCount: 1
  m_TextureDimension: 2
    serializedVersion: 2
    m_FilterMode: 1
    m_Aniso: 1
    m_MipBias: 0
    m_WrapU: 0
    m_WrapV: 0
    m_WrapW: 0
  m_LightmapFormat: 0
  m_ColorSpace: 0
  image data: 1000000
  _typelessdata: e931053ffa766a3fd38f1b3feabece3ec ----------------------- HUGE AMOUNT OF DATA HERE

So why is this happening? How do I avoid having it stored as a Texture2D? I want the array directly, what’s happening with the editor when opening the component? Why is it stalling all the time? All options need reserialization on change…

Is this slowdown possible? have you experienced it before?

I think this is related to a bug. There’s a huge slowdown in editor in v 2022.1.4f1 after doing a process, it keeps reserializing this every frame several times due to a call to Draw Header of the inspector :… I’ll post a link here

[EDIT] It’s not a bug. It’s an intented behaviour. serializedObject.update() is called EVERY FRAME in the edit mode. So if your serialized data is big, it will take time and all the UI will be slowed down. No option to disable this except for building your own custom ui and updating when you want.