Serialized nested list corrupt at editor reboot

I am trying to serialize a scriptable object that contains a dictionary which I plan to use to build levels for my game. After the object is created and initialized, I save it as an asset that is then attached to a Monobehavior that generates a level dynamically. Since unity can’t serialize dictionaries I am using some lists in conjunction with the ISerializationCallbackReceiver interface, to save and load the data contained in the dictionary. This is the scriptable object code

 public class LevelsDatabase : ScriptableObject, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
        public Dictionary<RoomBiome, Dictionary<RoomType, LevelInfoListWrapper>> BiomeDictionaries =
            new Dictionary<RoomBiome, Dictionary<RoomType, LevelInfoListWrapper>>();
        // Serialization variables
        private List<RoomBiome> _biomeDictionariesKeys = new List<RoomBiome>();
        private List<RoomType> _levelInfoListKeys = new List<RoomType>();
        private List<LevelInfoListWrapper> _levelInfoListValues = new List<LevelInfoListWrapper>();
        public void GenerateLevelsDatabase()
            Debug.Log("Generated Database");
        // Database generation code
        public void OnBeforeSerialize()
                foreach (var biomeDictionary in BiomeDictionaries)
                var key = _biomeDictionariesKeys[0];
                foreach (var roomTypeDictionary in BiomeDictionaries[key])
                foreach (var biomeKey in _biomeDictionariesKeys)
                    foreach (var roomTypeKey in _levelInfoListKeys)
                        var biomeDictionary = BiomeDictionaries[biomeKey];
                        if (!biomeDictionary.ContainsKey(roomTypeKey))
                        var levelInfoList = BiomeDictionaries[biomeKey][roomTypeKey];
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Log("Something horrible happened");
        public void OnAfterDeserialize()
            int index = 0;
            foreach (var biomeKey in _biomeDictionariesKeys)
                BiomeDictionaries.Add(biomeKey, new Dictionary<RoomType, LevelInfoListWrapper>());
                foreach (var roomType in _levelInfoListKeys)
                    if (index >= _levelInfoListValues.Count)
                    // TODO quick fix, replace it when refactoring
                    if (roomType != _levelInfoListValues[index].LevelInfoList[0].RoomType)
                    BiomeDictionaries[biomeKey].Add(roomType, _levelInfoListValues[index]);
                    index ++;

RoomBiome and RoomType are enums and LevelInfoListWrapper is a wrapper for a list of LevelInfo objects defined as following:

public class LevelInfoListWrapper
    public List<LevelInfo> LevelInfoList = new List<LevelInfo>();

LevelInfo is a scriptable object that contains data belonging to the rooms to be used in a Level. It is defined as

public class LevelInfo : ScriptableObject
    public RoomType RoomType;
    public RoomBiome RoomBiome;
    public LevelsEnum Level;

    private List<EntryPoint> _levelEntryPoints = new List<EntryPoint>();
    //TODO add breakable spawners and combat triggers Info
    public void AddEntryPoints(IList<EntryPoint> entryPoints)

    public List<EntryPoint> GetEntryPoints()
        return _levelEntryPoints;

LevelInfo has, among its data a list of EntryPoints defined as such:

public class EntryPoint
    public string ToLevel;
    public RoomBiome ToBiome;
    public Vector3 Position;
    public int Index;
    public EntryPointPosition PositionInRoom;

This code works and the serialization/deserialization process is handled correctly when I play and stop the editor. Unfortunately if I quit the editor and restart it, the lists List contained in _levelInfoListValues are not correctly deserialized and contain LevelInfo references initialized with the default constructor. I have read a few posts and references but I am running out of ideas on how to make unity serialize correctly a list of LevelInfoWrapper. The idea to ditch completely unity’s serialization and use somenthing like xml or Json is tempting but before resorting to that I was wondering if anyone has any suggestion about a possible solution.

Changes made to Scriptable Objects don’t persist. You should only ever use Scriptable Objects as config files, or for data that doesn’t change. For instance, item data could be a scriptable object because it doesn’t change. The name and cost are all the same (or at least the base cost). However, player data typically wouldn’t make the cut. Let’s say player data has stats, and as your player levels up, these stats change… and that’s where it all goes wrong. I would suggests that you have a LevelDatabase either on a MonoBehaviour with a save and load to an external file, or just save and load using your own serialization utility class (that’s what I do). In your case, JsonUtility which is now apart of Unity should work perfectly for you.