Finally, it seems that we can create custom inspectors for generic classes in Unity 2020.1.
I’m trying to create a custom inspector with the UI Toolkit for a GenericDictionary<,>. So far, everything works beautifully. I can create dictionaries with:
GenericDictionary<string, int> dictionary = new GenericDictionary<string, int>();
And my custom editor renders it without issues.
The problem comes when I create a dictionary with a List or an array item as a Key or Value. For example, this:
GenericDictionary<string, List<int>> dictionary = new GenericDictionary<string, List<int>>();
Doesn’t work.
Unfortunately, I can’t share the full source of the Visual Element, as it’s owned by my company, but I can share the piece of the code that actually fails:
This is part of the GenericDictionary class (i’m just adding a few utility methods and the keys and value lists and that’s it):
public class GenericDictionary<TKey, TValue> : IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
[SerializeField] List<TKey> keys = new List<TKey>();
[SerializeField] List<TValue> values = new List<TValue>();
And this is the code that creates the VisualElements to render the dictionary.
public static VisualElement CreateDictionary(SerializedProperty property, PropertyDrawer drawer)
if (property != null)
var keys = property.FindPropertyRelative("keys");
var values = property.FindPropertyRelative("values"); // This returns null if the "values" property is a List.
if (keys != null && values != null)
The “property.FindPropertyRelative” part returns null if the keys or values are Lists or Arrays.
Do you know how could I fix that?