I’m trying to serialize a generic class by creating special subclasses as mentioned in many placed (even the documentation for UnityEvent) but it’s not working as expected.
public class SceneData
// Need to create subclasses to be able to serialize
private class PersistentBoolCollection : PersistentItemDataCollection<bool> { }
private PersistentBoolCollection persistentBools;
public class PersistentItemDataCollection<T> : ISerializationCallbackReceiver
where T : struct
// Use special data type for serialization
private struct SerializableItemData
public string SceneName;
public string ID;
public T Value;
private List<SerializableItemData> serializedList = new List<SerializableItemData>();
private Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, PersistentItemData<T>>> scenes
= new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, PersistentItemData<T>>>();
public void OnAfterDeserialize()
// Convert itemData to dictionary for fast runtime access
scenes = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, PersistentItemData<T>>>(serializedList.Count);
foreach (var serializableItem in serializedList)
scenes[serializableItem.SceneName][serializableItem.ID] = new PersistentItemData<T>
SceneName = serializableItem.SceneName,
ID = serializableItem.ID,
Value = serializableItem.Value
public void OnBeforeSerialize()
// Dictionaries can't be serialized so convert to list first
serializedList = new List<SerializableItemData>();
foreach (var scene in scenes)
foreach (var id in scene.Value)
serializedList.Add(new SerializableItemData
SceneName = scene.Key,
ID = id.Key,
Value = id.Value.Value
public void SetValue(PersistentItemData<T> itemData)
if (!scenes.ContainsKey(itemData.SceneName))
scenes[itemData.SceneName] = new Dictionary<string, PersistentItemData<T>>();
scenes[itemData.SceneName][itemData.ID] = itemData;
public bool TryGetValue(string sceneName, string id, out PersistentItemData<T> value)
if (scenes.ContainsKey(sceneName) && scenes[sceneName].ContainsKey(id))
value = scenes[sceneName][id];
return true;
value = default(PersistentItemData<T>);
return false;
When using JsonUtility to serialize SceneData the output is:
I confirmed that there were 24 items in the list after the OnBeforeSerialize callback, so I’m not sure what is going wrong here.