We’re gonna put a new serious game live soon, which is all about driving safely in traffic. This simulator is all about speeding, but also checks for other basic stuff like ignoring red lights.
It’s not a game that has a very uniqe art style, but I think does the job well when it comes to mixing entertainment with the serious message, which was the priority of this project.
The idea is to pick up people somewhere in Westerdam and bring them to their destination. Obey the traffic rules but also try to reach your destination as soon as possible. When you drop someone off, you will need to answer a question.
After three pick-ups you’ll get a summary of your journey, and quite possibly a lot of traffic tickets
Nice work! It’s a fun little educational game! Even though it’s Dutch, I was still able to figure things out for the most part. I had no idea what the end question said, but I guessed it right.
My name is Andre Denham and I am a research assistant and PHD student at Arizona State University in Tempe Arizona. My research group is currently working on a serious game that will hopefully teach the users of the financial and ecological costs of the various transportation choices that are commonly used by students who attend our school (Light Rail, Car, Bus, Walking, and Bicycle). We are avid users of the Unity3D engine (which we are using to build our game also) and we stumbled across your Drive Safely game within the Unity forum. WE LOVE YOUR GAME!!! You have created an environment that closely mirrors what we want to our game to look and feel like.
I am inquiring to see if it would be possible to provide us with either a copy of your project folder, or any scripts, models, assets, etc. that you could provide. The research that we are conducting is funded by a grant and our funds are limited but we would be willing to purchase a non-commercial licensed version of the game (which would include the project folder files) if that is what you require.
We are educational researchers and so our expertise lies in research and not necessarily game development (though we are getting better at that). We are not building a game to make any money, but to conduct research. With that in mind, it would assist us greatly if we could somehow see how you built the driving game. This would allow us more time to spend on our research and less on development.
I hope to hear from you soon!! I tried sending this through the Sticky Studios Website but there was an error. Hopefully this works!
We’ve built a system where you simply add nodes and you can say “I want to split the node in two road parts here”. Same with intersections. You edit stuff like curvature, road types and the road is automaticly generated for you based on these waypoints.
Then you can drag a “traffic controller” onto a waypoint, and set its properties, like traffic light types, red/green speed, etc.
When you press ‘generate’, the traffic lights are placed automaticly, and the traffic light system (which determins wheter a light should turn red or green) works automaticly. A more complex setup auto-generates two lanes.
The AI anticipates on these settings and moves accordingly. To keep it running fast on lower-spec machines they now move by simple transformations (they lack a rigidbody, until you hit them).
(We’ll look into physics later, e.g when driving over a bump).