Server backup solutions


We have a PlasticSCM server running on a linux machine that we want to update but we would like to backup everything before.

Our questions are:

  • What exactly do we need to backup (folders, configs etc…) ?
  • How can we be sure that our backup will work. Can we test the backup with an additional and temporary server ? Do we need an other server licence for that ?
  • Is it possible to backup only selected repositories (we have +1TB of repository data we will save some time if we can test the backup on few ‘light’ repositories) ?


Hi, the following guide we include all the details regarding repository backups: Plastic SCM version control · Administrator's guide

Could you check it and let us know if you have further questions?

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Tanks for the quick reply,
We alerady have an incremental backup of the jet folder done with rsync. The question is more about how to test it. The backup is there, but we would like to be sure that it is working without risking anything and, if possible, without stoping our server.
Also is it possible to know the name of the reposiotry linked to a ‘rep_’ folder ?

You can set up a secondary server and recover your backups. You can match the rep id and the repository name via the following command:

cm lrep --format=TABLE

Thanks ! with TABLE format I can match a repository to it’s storage id :slight_smile:

So I set up a new server on a different Linux. I use server configuration wizard (default ports + UPWorkingMode), restart the server using sudo systemctl restart plasticscm-server.service.
But when I try to configure my clien with cm configure, I got this message

Could not retrieve the authentication mode from ‘’

Am I missing something ? I skiped the licenses token during the server configuration, do I need one ?

So the problem now is when you install a new server. Can you attach the Plastic SSM server debug logs at:

Here are the log of the new server
plastic.debug.log.20241003_cut.txt (70.6 KB)

The server seems to be up and running and I can’t find any error.

Is the server configured to use the 8087 port?
Are you trying to configure the client to reach the right server and port values?
Can you confirm that you can ping the server machine from the client side?

We changed the port to 8090 just to test if it was a port issue. But yes, the client is trying to connect with the good adress / port.
We can ping the server’s ip just fine.
‘Scan Network’ on Plastic Client configuration wizard doesn’t show anything.

If I properly understand, the problem is the client is not able to reach the server when you try to configure it, right? What is the authentication mode configured in the server?

Yes that’s the problem. We use UPWorkingMode along with umtool to create testing accounts. Once the server is started, it’s impossible for clients to connect to it.
Connection to the main server is still working properly.

So, few updates :

  • We completly reinstalled Plastic’s Server on our Linux
  • systemctl start plasticscm-server.service doesn’t work anymore and prompt : Failed to start plasticscm-server.service: Unit plasticscm-server.service not found.
    - /opt/plasticscm5/server/plasticd start works properly (not a perfect solution but it’s ok to test a backup)
  • Any client commad results in : Limited by days evaluation license has expired.

Here you can find complete logs of our installation and testing.
plasticscm_linux_install.txt (10.6 KB)

So the inttial question remains : Is it possible to have a secondary ‘test’ server without having to buy a new license ?


Yes, you can use the same license in different servers as soon as the total amount of users doesn’t exceed the licensed users.

If deplying the license doesn’t help, I think it would be faster if you open a ticket with us and we arrange a meeting to debug the issue with your secondary server.

To close this topic :

The issue with plastic service that could not start was due to a bad installation of the server.

You can copy and use the primary server’s license to an other server as long as you have slots for available user activation.

You can backup entire server’s .conf files and entire database.

You can backup a specific repository once you know it’s id with lrep --format=TABLE.

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