I am working on a game which has a feature of global stats. There are just 2 server calls, one for sending data and the other for receiving data ( just a numeric value ). Currently I am using 1freehosting to host the php scripts and mySql database. Now the issues:
The game uses WWW request after almost every 5seconds on average.
1000 users playing concurrently = a lot of WWW request.
Are normal webhosting companies(godaddy,hostgator etc) good enough to handle this if I purchase a decent plan?Using AWS for this would be overkill and cost a lot of $$$. So any suggestions on this?
Nowadays most hosts offer unlimited bandwidth.
If your queries are just a simple read/write without complex process, you could possibly have thousands of concurrent users.
But it depends of a lot of things, like data architecture, gameplay type (fast paced, turn based…).
In any case you’ll probably need your own VPS, shared hosting will have others limitations than bandwitdh.
Queries are just game statistics… how many times the game has been played… nothing complex. Its a mini gamein to which I am adding stats just to make it a bit more interesting