Hi everyone,
First, sorry for my english. I wonder what solution should I use for my games. These games are educational and turn-based (but in real time… a real-time turn-based ???).
Exemple, I have the question, all the opponents can see my question, but they can’t answer.
When I answer the question, all the opponents see what I have answered and its the turn to the next participant.
So, I want a solution for networking…it would be nice to have a chat. I would like to have a lobby and create rooms.
From what you describe, you could probably do fine with a server that provides a restful http api, and use an existing chat protocol such as xmpp for which there are a variety of existing servers and client libraries.
There’s nothing about your description that tells me you need something like photon, or any kind of realtime solution that’s designed for handling many updates per second per client at low latency. No reason to make things more complicated then they need to be, I would stick with the simplest thing that works.
Thanks snactime,
it’s true that we don’t need of that much, but if we can have more, we can do more. For now, we are limited by what we have…like FlashBuilder and Red5. We want to improve our games…