Server platform CrystalEngine

Hello All.

We’ve finished our project and are happy to present a new server platform – CrystalEngine
CrystalEngine is designed to build a powerful distributed server solution for various online MMO games projects, social applications, mobile applications and others.
The client side can be developed on any platform.
Included visual editors and administration panel greatly increase development speed and reduce time-to-market.
Project website
or same in PowerPoint
YouTube CrystalEngine

CrystalEngine is looking for development projects that can benefit from it.
We are looking for partners for CrystalEngine distribution and promotion.

You’re welcome to contact us with any questions.
Skype crystalengine

Regards, CrystalEngine development team

is this a software like photon/sfs,or a solution for company who want to develop mmo,
if this is a software,any demo or trail version …?

is this a software like photon/sfs,or a solution for company who want to develop mmo,
if this is a software,any demo or trail version …?

this is a platform or framework for build server solution for concrete project.
Trial version by request. Describe your company, project name, type of project and you will have trial version on 1 month.

no youtube/vimeo video or otherwise streaming video?

Crystal Engine on YouTube CrystalEngine