Hello I succesfuly generated management api and started working:
First authentication worked but then I just wanted to get a bucket and debug it , async and not async , both don’t work and I get an internal server error number 500
ApiException: Error converting value “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” to type ‘System.Nullable`1[Guid]’. Path ‘id’, line 1, position 44
Configuration myConfig = new Configuration();
myConfig.Username = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”;
myConfig.Password = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1”;
myConfig.AddDefaultHeader(“Authorization”, “Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3”);
BucketsApi myBapi = new BucketsApi(myConfig);
Bucket myBucket = new Bucket();
myBucket = myBapi.GetBucket(“xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”);
Am I doing something wrong?
this gets triggered by this function
ApiException: Error converting value “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” to type ‘Guid’. Path ‘id’, line 1, position 44.
IO.Swagger.Client.ApiClient.Deserialize (RestSharp.IRestResponse response, System.Type type) (at Assets/IO.Swagger/Client/ApiClient.cs:331)
IO.Swagger.Api.BucketsApi.GetBucketWithHttpInfo (System.String bucketid) (at Assets/IO.Swagger/Api/BucketsApi.cs:855)
After our discussion in another thread about generating the client did this get resolved?
Yes Thanks tim