Server-side support for managing player economies

You have the option of using a NuGet package:

with the sever authentication or generate a version yourself.

Here’s how:

First download the open API spec generator: CLI Installation | OpenAPI Generator (Also need java if its not installed)
Second, download the economy specs: Unity Services Web API docs ( as “economy-client.yaml”

Third, save this as config.yaml:

generatorName: csharp
generatorName: csharp
packageName: Unity.Services.Client.EconomyApi.Generated
packageVersion: "2.0.0"
inputSpec: economy-client.yaml
outputDir: out2

At this point your directory should have 3 files:

  • config.yaml
  • openapi-generator-cli.jar
  • economy-client.yaml

Then, run the following

java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -c config.yaml

This will create a C# solution from the specs you should be able to use.

attached was my output.

9644168–1371584– (3.33 MB)

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