
What I try to achieve is the following:
Host choses character in Scene1(MainMenu)
Host starts game and changes to Scene 2(World to play in)

Client connects to Host
Client choses character in Scene1
Client clicks “join world” and spawns in Scene2

What happens right now:
Host works fine
Client connects to host and gets forced into Scene due to ServerChangeScene() … how can I make the client stay in his Scene instead of being dragged into Scene2?

Still in need of help, if someone got a clue pls let me know :slight_smile:

By the looks of it you are using Unet’s Hlapi right? If thats the case then I dont think it is possible to have 2 or more scenes run independent next to each other on 1 server/host instance. So you probably have to resort to having the character selection either in the main menu or in the active ingame scene.

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