ServerRpc method cannot be executed by OnPointerClick

I have tested with the debug log.

  • The OnPointerClicks works as intended

  • Network variable that also work on the OnPointerClicks method

  • The script derive from NetworkBehaviour and it has NetworkObject scrip in the same game object

The server rpc method cannot be called. When I tried without using the rpc stuff, the script work as intended.

Question :
Are there special methods in implementing the Unity event system with Netcode for Gameobjects?

using MIST.Inventory;
using MIST.Item.Model;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TMPro;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ObjectInventorySlot : NetworkBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler
    #region Fields
    [SerializeField] private Image itemIconImage;
    [SerializeField] private TextMeshProUGUI quantityText;

    [SerializeField] private GameObject emptyVisual;
    [SerializeField] private GameObject filledVisual;

    #region Parameters
    NetworkObjectReference networkRef;
    ObjectInventorySystem objectInventorySystem;
    private ItemModel item;
    ulong clientID;

    #region Network
    private NetworkVariable<int> counter = new NetworkVariable<int>();

    public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
        if (IsServer)
            counter.Value = 0;

    public void UpdateItem(NetworkObjectReference networkRef, ObjectInventorySystem inventory, ItemModel item)
        this.networkRef = networkRef;
        this.item = item;
        objectInventorySystem = inventory;


    private void UpdateObjectInventoryUI()
        emptyVisual.SetActive(item == null);
        filledVisual.SetActive(item != null);
        if (item != null)
            //Debug.Log("item.ID = " + item.ID);
            ItemBaseSO itemData = objectInventorySystem.GetItemBaseFromID(item.ID);
            if (itemData != null)
                itemIconImage.sprite = itemData.GetItemImage();
            quantityText.text = item.Quantity.ToString();

    public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
        Debug.Log("On Pointer CLick");
        Debug.Log("counter.Value" + counter.Value);

    public void RequestLootItemServerRpc(NetworkObjectReference networkRef)

    public void GiveLootClientRpc(NetworkObjectReference networkRef)
        // Check if this is the correct client to respond to
        NetworkObject networkObject = networkRef;
        clientID = networkObject.OwnerClientId;

        Debug.Log("clientID : " + clientID);

        if (NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId != clientID)

        var result = PlayerInventorySystem.Instance.TryAddItem(networkRef,item, item.Quantity);
        bool itemCollected = result.Item1;
        int leftoverItems = result.Item2;

        if (!itemCollected) return;

        if (leftoverItems > 0)
            item.Quantity = leftoverItems;
            UpdateItem(networkObject, objectInventorySystem, item);

    public void Dispose()

  private void CheckUpdateQuantity(ItemModel item, ObjectInventorySystem inventory)
      if (this.item == item)
          UpdateItem(item, inventory);

Was the object spawned before you tried to call the RPC? Also, do:
[ServerRPC (requireOwnership = false)]
If you want the clients to be able to call that RPC.

Hi there,
I problem seems at this line:

public void RequestLootItemServerRpc(NetworkObjectReference networkRef)

All client can call the “RequestLootItemServerRpc” but, just Host/Server call the “GiveLootClientRpc(networkRef);”.
This means “GiveLootClientRPC” runs only on the server/Host side. Because “if (NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId != clientID)” line only passes on Host/Server side not on others client’s side.

Hello thank you for replying, the reason I did not add
[ServerRPC (requireOwnership = false)]

because I forgot, and normally I test with Server first. I have implemented this, but still, OnClick, either the ServerRpc or ClientRpc method cannot be executed.

It is very frustrating, even testing with empty method with only Debug.Log, it doesnt work.

I have implemented [ServerRPC (requireOwnership = false)] . Nevertheless, neither Server or Client can execute ServerRpc nor ClientRpc OnClick.

I have tried OnPointerDown as well, it just doesnt work. I have tried using Button, doesnt work.

I have tested this code below, it works. I will try to review and try another solution again related to my code

public class testOnclick : NetworkBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler
    public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
        Debug.Log("test 1");

    private void testServerRpc()
        Debug.Log("test 2");


The problem has been solved. I deactivated the game object in which this script is attached. I deactivated it in Awake() meaning that the network stuff could not initialize properly.