Set Color over life - any way to make random colours?


I’m new to the visual effect graph.

Is there a way to make ‘Set Color over life’ generate some random colour values? For instance I’ve set it up to go from blue to purple, but I’d like to define some colour values and have the effect randomly pick from them for the start and finish colour.


Setting color values from the API is probably the ticket.

I tried using gradients in c# however the problem there is they don’t provide an intensity / HDR value

This is what you get within visual effect graph

This is what you get with gradients in C#

(P.S Unity - any reason HDR gradients can’t be declared from script?)

Interesting. Do they do the same thing at runtime…meaning is the effect colors they produce the same?

Hey! Speaking of gradient colors, I think you are looking for GradientUsage attribute which allows to use HDR colors. You can find a bit more information about this attribute here.7232818--870525--Gradient.gif

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