set guiText component to bottom left corner of screen in IDE

are there options in the IDE to set the guitext component to a corner of the screen - rather than dead center? It seems the align options in the IDE only aligns based on a center box

Transform X and Y position your GUIText, same as anything else. Two tricks:

o You have to be in GameView to see it (don't have to be running, just not in SceneView)

o It uses ViewPort coords, which is (0,0) at bottom left and (1,1) at top right of the screen. Think of them as screen size percents. The camera has no effect on this -- you are placing it on the screen. If you set transform x,y to (0,0) and set anchor to LowerLeft, you'll get dead-on bottom-left.

NOTE: z is used, but only for which GUI elements are "on top"