Set Particle System speed to curve with negative values

Hi. Is there a way to set ‘speed by curve’ to a negative value small than -1? I’m wanting particles to start on a circle and move towards the centre in a classic ‘power up’ effect. I can ramp up the particle spawn rate over time with a curve, and reduce the lifetime via a curve, but the speed curve limits to -1 so I can’t make shorter lived particles travel faster.

Can you say which property exactly?
I can’t see a speed property that is limited to -1.

Note that in the upper left corner of the curve editor window, there is a number field that lets you set the range of the curve. E.g. type 5 into the box and the curve range is -5 to +5.

It’s to do with the limits of a curve for Start Speed. The curve appears to inherit the bounds from the number fields. If I set Start Speed to 2 and then select curve, I can’t change the curve points >2.

If I selected Random Between Two Values and put in my upper and lower bounds, and then change it to Curve, the upper and lower bounds of the curve are set, except if I try to edit a point I can’t set a value <-1, and if I drag a point it only drags to 1. Does the curve only map the Min/Max number fields to a -1…1 curve?

And if I want to change my min/max values, clicking Random Between Two Values presents two positive values, not my previous negative value.

So it seems like I can go into Random Between Two Values, set my upper and lower limits with negatives, then choose Curve and shape between those two values. If I want a new upper or lower limit, I need to use Random Between Two Values again, set both upper and lower because the lower won’t be negative any more, and then swap to Curve.

Edit: Duh, didn’t read your post fully before investigating! Reading the first line I immediately fired up Unity to get the correct property name and then clearly got carried away. Sorry.

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No worries - glad you figured it out! It’s not the most intuitive bit of UI the world has ever seen… :wink: