Hi, I’m trying to build a VFX graph effect that uses the ‘Set Position (Depth)’ Block.
I’m using URP and developing for Meta Quest 3. It works perfectly fine in the editor but I can’t get it to work on a quest 3 device. Is there someone who can help?
Ahh at the bottom of the manual page it says: This Block is currently only compatible with the High Definition Render Pipeline, with any graphics API, except metal. Booo
But on this page about visual effects graph 17 it says “You can now sample URP camera buffers to obtain the scene’s depth and color. This powerful feature allows you to perform fast collision on the GPU or to spawn particles against the depth buffer and inherit the scene color.”
This suggests that it should work. But it doesn’t. Depth is enabled in the Universal Render Pipeline Asset (Default Mobile_RPAsset). Anyone utilizing URP camera buffers in VFX Graph succesfully on a Meta Quest (3) ?
I managed to get it working by using a custom camera as the source for the Position (depth) block.
Hello, does it work for you when specifyng a depth range ?
I also have a custom camera plugged to the position Depth node but it is only working in the editor
I got the position Depth node working in the game, all good !