Set size of an array without Inspector

For all the time I have been using Unity I always resized arrays using the Inspector, and never learned how to do it in script, because every time I had to I would simply use a list instead.

However, this time I don’t want to use lists because I don’t feel the need to, since the array is only resized once.

I simply want to make an array the same size as another array that had been set in inspector.

How would I do that in code without having to mark my arrays as public?

If you want the size of the array to be initialized by a pre-set number of elements:

//New int array with 5 elements.
int[] array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

If you want to set the size of the array to a specific value with no pre-set elements:

//New int array with a capacity of 5 elements.
//Each element is initialized to their default value.
int[] array = new int[5];

For your specific case:

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
  public int[] mySerializedArray;

  int[] myOtherArray;

  void Awake()
    myOtherArray = new int[mySerializedArray.Length];
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What if I want to have an array copy the size of another array at initiation?
Like this:

Array.Length = AnotherArray.Length;

System.Array.Copy !!!

I dont want to copy the elements from one array to the other, only the lenght of it.

You initialize the new array with the length of the other array.

int[] Array2 = new int[Array1.Length];

This example does that:

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
  public int[] mySerializedArray;

  int[] myOtherArray;

  void Awake()
    myOtherArray = new int[mySerializedArray.Length];

It initializes the length of one array with the length of another array.
You can’t do this, if that’s what you were wondering…

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
  public int[] mySerializedArray;
  int[] myOtherArray = new int[mySerializedArray.Length];

…Since the fields have not yet been initialized. It has to be done in a constructor or method.

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Thank you