Set starting locale?

Obvious question, but how do I make it so when I play my game in-editor, it starts as a specific language from the get-go (without having to change it in the UI gizmo post-facto).

I have tried setting the “specific locale” to something else, but it does nothing at all, my locale always starts off English when I run the game.

So you likely want to drag the specific locale selector to the top of the list or remove the other selectors.

That’s strange… I have set Chinese as the top/default selection for all my settings. But the game still starts in English. Neither the locale selector, or any other option seem to take effect.


I can see you have the system locale selector above Chinese, this will use the system language (English it would seem). Remove it and it will work.

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Thank you!

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Hi @karl_jones
Continuing above discussion, assuming i also have System and then Specific Set to chinese.
i have added locale for Spanish “es”

But a spanish (Venezuala) “es-VE” opens the app, what will b value of LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale?

What do you mean by spanish (Venezuala) “es-VE” opens the app?
What platform is this?
Assuming this is just using the System Locale Selector the chosen locale can change depending on the platform. We start at the top and work down until we find a match.


If the System Locale Selector detects es-VE before Chinese then it should find Spanish as a natural fallback and use that. It depends on if Spanish (Venezuala) is detected before Chinese and that is dependent on how the platform is configured.

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Sorry for the misunderstanding, I’m new to localization.
What I’m trying to say is that I set up three locales: English, Chinese, and Spanish (es). If a user’s system locale is “es-VE,” will the localization manager automatically choose “es”?

Yes it should do.
It should detect es-VE and then look for it’s fallback es.

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