Set up method parameter in Editor ?

Hi guys,
is there a way to setup a function parameter in Editor ?

I don’t even know if what I’m asking for is doable so let me explain.
Let say I have a script that check a bool in scene and do something is true is returned.
Can I imagine something like
void CheckAndDoStuff(bool checked){ if(checked){ do stuff} }

and specify the boolean parameters in Editor ? I would like to re-use the same script to check différent flag !

Check out UnityEvents and UnityActions. This will allow you to attach method calls in the editor like what you see in the OnClick for Buttons. It’s pretty cool. Here’s a quick tutorial on it Quick tip: Using Unity Actions to set default states on objects – Napland Games – Blog

Unless I’m completely misunderstanding what you want to do…

If I understand you correctly, then what you need to do is define a variable at the start of your code and have that variable passed into the function as such;

public bool editorVar = true;


public bool IsTrue(bool parameter)
    if (parameter == true)
        //Do Stuff

I hope this helps!