Set up Sprites for 2D archer character with rotating arms?

So I have drawn this basic mockup for a character (based on the character from Baron’s Gate) and separated him into a character sheet which I have then put together in Unity:

Now I want his head, left arm, right arm, bow and arrow to always rotate where the mouse position is. I was wondering what the best set up for this would be?

The first thing I’ve done is to parent the Bow Arrowto the Right Arm, so that rotating the Right Arm would rotate the Bow Arrow using the Right Arm’s pivot:


But this of course doesn’t work with the left arm, as I need the left arm to rotate on its own pivot. I suppose I would now script the Update function on the Archer character to rotate the Left Arm based on the mouse position.

If I rotate the right arm on its own pivot then it sort of works, but doesn’t really line up, and leads to this problem:


As you can see, his Left Arm is now no longer long enough to be able to keep his hands on the bow. How do I deal with this?

I seem to be missing something here, or am I just way off. Should I do it completely differently?

edit: Never mind, after thinking about the pose angles a bit more, his left arm really should start from further back, thus allowing his left arm to rotate from a pivot much further back…

Definitely not a stupid question, if by posting the question you were able to free your mind to come up with the answer.

This happens to me a lot. In fact, I often would find myself typing out an extremely lengthy post on StackExchange, and moments before hitting “post” or towards the end, the answer would simply poof appear in my mind. Sometimes it wasn’t until afterwards, where I vented the frustrations when dealing with engineering this type of stuff. And lastly other times it appears to me when I literally stop thinking about it and quit or take a break.

Just thought I’d show my support. A question is never stupid when it gives you the solution. In fact, I’d argue that stupid questions are a sign of success.


Haha, thanks for the support! Yes, I actually know exactly what you’re talking about as this isn’t the first time it has happened to me! I have also many times posted a question on stackexchange and deleted that question (this one including!) minutes after, before anyone even has a chance to read it.