SetActiveRecursively(true) causing EXC_BAD_ACCESS in 3.5?

Upgraded to 3.5 and I’d crash every time I shot a bullet. Finally narrowed it down to my script that manages my shotgun shell game object pool. Line 13 is the problem:

        using System.Collections.Generic;
        //array of objects
        public List<GameObject> pooledObjects;
        //we're taking the first object in the list, moving it to the end, activating if necessary
        public GameObject GiveObject(){
                GameObject pooledObject = pooledObjects[0];
                if( == false){
                        pooledObject.transform.parent = null;
                return pooledObject;

Commenting out “pooledObject.SetActiveRecursively(true);” fixes the crash EXC_BAD_ACCESS I was experiencing.

Doesn’t make much sense to me. Unity bug?

So to clarify, I had it running without any crashes. I attempt to move over the problem logic from the pool manager to the shotgun shell script itself. Compile, run… now it crashes while it’s starting up. My hunch is that on recompile, something got messed up with an entirely different script and I’ll have to hunt it down again.


edit: no idea how useful this is:

0x006b5cdc  <+0148>  bl	0x6b5ee8 <_ZNKSt4listI12ContactPointSaIS0_EE4sizeEv>
0x006b5ce0  <+0152>  mov	r4, r0
0x006b5ce4  <+0000>  bl	0x8dfda0 <mono_domain_get>
0x006b5ce8  <+0004>  mov	r1, r5
0x006b5cec  <+0008>  mov	r2, r4
0x006b5cf0  <+0012>  bl	0x933338 <mono_array_new>
0x006b5cf4  <+0172>  ldr	r4, [r6, #60] //EXC_BAD_ACCESS here
0x006b5cf8  <+0176>  str	r0, [sp, #20]
0x006b5cfc  <+0180>  mov	r5, r0
0x006b5d00  <+0184>  b	0x6b5d90 <_Z20ConvertContactToMonoPv+328>

Is MonoDevelop’s debugger supposed to work with 3.5? I don’t want to manually hunt down the line causing a problem again. The last one was easier because it only happened when I fired the weapon – I don’t even get past the loading screen now and I didn’t change any startup code from when I had a non-crashing build…

Think I got it working again – might have been my stripping level setting. Wish I’d have been warned that could cause problems when upgrading to 3.5