SetNoBackupFlag and StreamingAsset - iOS Data Storage Guidelines reject

Dear forum,

I hope to have response to this problem I have with Apple Store review.

I have two files in StreamingAssets (1xMP4 and 1xPDF).

I send first time my app and it was reject becaiOS Data Storage Guidelines and iCloud backup storage rules.

So I use the function iPhone.SetNoBackupFlag.

This is my script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class iOSDataStorageBackup : MonoBehaviour {

	public bool set;
	public string[] streamingAssets;
    // Use this for initialization
	void Awake () {
        #if UNITY_IPHONE
        if (set) {
            foreach (string asset in streamingAssets) {
                string assetPath = (Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + asset);

I set=true and insert my filename strings with size = 2.

After this operation, however I receive the same error …

How is it possible?


Streaming assets folder is part of application distribution, so it shouldn’t be affected by iCloud backup rules, it’s probably something else.
Please share detailed rejection message.