Setting a class-wide attribute at startup in Boo

In my main Unity script I access other game objects frequenty, e.g. the camera. Since I do not want to call GameObject.Find("Main Camera") in every Update(), I want to keep a reference to the instance as a class-local variable.

However when I try

import UnityEngine
class PlayerBehaviour (MonoBehaviour): 
    main_camera as GameObject = GameObject.Find("Main Camera")

I get “UnityException: You are not allowed to call this function when declaring a variable.
Move it to the line after without a variable declaration.”

When I move this to Start()

import UnityEngine

class PlayerBehaviour (MonoBehaviour): 

    def Start ():
        main_camera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera")

I get “Assets/,9): BCE0005: Unknown identifier: ‘main_camera’.”

How can I assign a local variable to the instance of another GameObject at initalisation, using Boo?

EDIT: The camera is just an example. I am looking for a Boo technique to cache a reference to any GameObject.

I am writing in C#, not Boo, but my guess is that the solution would be the same.

Try separating the variable declaration and assignment.

Instead of

main_camera as GameObject = GameObject.Find("Main Camera")


main_camera as GameObject

def Start ():
	// This line should go in Awake() or later
	main_camera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera")

This line should also work, if it is in Awake() or later, but then your variable is local to Awake()/Start() and not global, but you can test with this, just to see if its working.

main_camera as GameObject = GameObject.Find("Main Camera")

(I am assuming varname as type is how you declare variables in Boo)