I want to procedurally set a target way-point within a room that I have procedurally generated. The user will control a robot and navigate to the random way-point that is displayed visually. Then when they reach the target position, the simulation ends. Any ideas how to do this?
You need to use Unity - Scripting API: Random.Range
As you can limit the max and the min possible random number, you can generate a position randomly:
Vector3 RandPos= new Vector3 (Random.Range((-10.0f, 10.0f), 0, Random.Range(-10.0f, 10.0f));
If you want a list of waypoints, do a for function to repeat the process assigning each random position to a randomposition array or list.
Then select one element of the list just using Random,Range again to get the [index] inside the array
I dont require a navmesh for what I am trying to do. All im trying to do, is set target cell/waypoint randomly within the bounds of my generated room with a visual aid. That way the person controlling the robot knows where to move the robot to. When they reach the position the simulation ends. I am creating a data gathering tool for machine learning algorithms, thus it will gather data about how the robot got to the target @tormentoarmagedoom