Setting a vive tracker to "Disable" role. Bindings are ignored?

I am using SteamVR 2.0 and the bindings system.

I am trying to set simple bindings for trackers so I may access pogo pin states in game.

Currently I have set all of my trackers to role: “Disabled” and created bindings for: application_generated_unity_mygame_binding_vive_tracker.json.

But in Unity I am unable to see any actions values from the trackers and they never change.

If I set the trackers to role: “camera”, “chest” or other similar then I can only have option to change the “Power” button action. so pogo pins are missing.

Why did they make it impossible to use trackers?

How do I get around this limitation

Strange stuff here,
If I change a tracker to role: “camera” then immediately change it back to “disable” I see it remains as “/user/camera -vive_tracker” in the debugger.

During this time all of my bindings work! But only for that one tracker :frowning:
I am guessing that SteamVR is bugged out, somehow this one tracker is not a disable/camera mix???

But worse yet, it’s a total hack, and I would never ask my customers do this.

Why does this just seem so broken? Was it intentional?:eyes:

Try setting them to be handed. I don’t use SteamVR 2.0, but when implementing the trackers through OpenVR internally, we found we would only get data from the pins when the tracker was being treated like a controller and set to be handed.

Thank you for your advice. though I have tried handed, which kind of worked, but then I ran up against the issue of handType uniqueness.

I add a hand.cs script to each tracker (dynamically), which requires me to set it’s handType. But if two trackers share the same handType then it is impossible to read the IO from a specific tracker (I think).

The only way I was able to make two trackers work independently was to create redundant bindings for ‘camera’ and ‘keyboard’ roles, then in Unity using OpenVR I check the device type via ETrackedDeviceProperty.Prop_ControllerType_String property to see if it is reporting as a ‘vive_tracker_camera’ or ‘vive_tracker_keyboard’. This allows me to set the handType within a switch statement for all trackers when I dynamically adding the hand.cs script.

[Header ("VIVE TRACKERS")]
public Transform[] viveTrackers;
public LayerMask trackersHoverMasks; //layers that this tracker can hover onver

public void SetupTrackers() {
    foreach (Transform viveTracker in viveTrackers) {
        SteamVR_TrackedObject device = viveTracker.GetComponent<SteamVR_TrackedObject> ();

        var deviceType = GetDeviceType (device);

        if (!deviceType.ToLower().Contains ("tracker") || device.index == null || !device.isValid) {

        var trackerPrefab = Instantiate<GameObject> (TrackerLinkerPrefab, viveTracker);

        switch (deviceType) {
        case "vive_tracker_camera":
            AddHandTypedTracker(trackerPrefab, SteamVR_Input_Sources.Camera);
        case "vive_tracker_keyboard":
            AddHandTypedTracker(trackerPrefab, SteamVR_Input_Sources.Keyboard);
        case "vive_tracker":
            if (trackerPrefab.GetComponent<Hand> ()) {//maybe it changed during gameplay?
                Destroy (trackerPrefab.GetComponent<Hand> ());//destroy the hand


string GetDeviceType (SteamVR_TrackedObject device) {

    var error = ETrackedPropertyError.TrackedProp_Success;
    var result = new System.Text.StringBuilder((int)64);

    var capacity = OpenVR.System.GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty((uint)device.index, ETrackedDeviceProperty.Prop_ControllerType_String, null, 0, ref error);
    if (capacity > 1)
        result = new System.Text.StringBuilder((int)capacity);
        OpenVR.System.GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty((uint)device.index, ETrackedDeviceProperty.Prop_ControllerType_String, result, capacity, ref error);

    return result.ToString ();

void AddHandTypedTracker(GameObject trackerSphere, SteamVR_Input_Sources trackerType) {
    var hand = trackerSphere.AddComponent<Hand> ();
    hand.hoverLayerMask = trackersHoverMasks;
    hand.hoverSphereRadius = 0.17f;
    hand.useFingerJointHover = false;

    hand.handType = trackerType; //now set the handType for this tracker

It seems wasteful though to have to create the exact same bindings for all the roles: keyboard, camera, shoulders, waist, feet, so on… just so Unity/SteamVR may access tracker’s actions individually.

Then again, maybe I’m just using it incorrectly…

I wish SteamVR would make mo