I didn’t think I was this dumb. People told me C++ was difficult, clunky, and hard to use, and yet I write it more fluently then I speak English as a native Canadian sometimes. I thought, with something as “archaic as C++”, that using C# would be easier, and I’ve had like 20 people tell me so.
So I don’t understand why I’m struggling so hard to create systems that would be done in the flick of a wrist with C++, in C#.
Is there anyone able to enlighten my C# deficient brain please?
I’ve set up UI buttons in a menu at the beginning of my game. The player selects a choice, and the choice would basically set a boolean to true. Then, when the player is interacting with other characters in the game, the script is supposed to “run a check” to see if that bool is set to true, and if so, gives the player more options.
So like this - You can choose between male and female. If you chose male, all the girl characters you can talk to in the game will have a “flirt” option made available. And the male characters will not have this option available.
For C++ it was easy. You set up a Callback, then in the call back you SetGlobalVarInt(“newstringname”, number variable) and then you call the “if/else” in a void string statement. I have no idea why I’m stuck here for what is apparently supposed to be a superior coding language, haha. Every attempt to do it, gives me a “you assigned the value but never used it” warning, and doesn’t work, so now I’m at a standstill, and all the tutorials I’ve looked for haven’t helped!