Setting Animator parameter equal to variable?

So I have multiple animations, and I want then to play progressively.

I have an object with a tag, and I have a raycast projecting from the camera, and when it hits an object with that tag, it sets the Animator’s boolean to true, which plays the first animation. I have this part almost working perfectly.

The second part is what I’m having trouble with. I have a float variable, which increases by 1, every second. And it shows how long you’ve been looking at that tagged object. That works, but I can’t get it to translate that information into the Animator’s parameter.

Here’s what I got:

public float seeingTimeChange;
public float seeingTime;

void Start () {
    effects = GetComponent<Animator> ();

void Update () {
    RaycastHit hit;

    if (Physics.Raycast (Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition), out hit, 1000f)) {
                    if (hit.collider.tag == "effectObject") {
                        effects.SetBool ("seeObject", true);
                        seeingTime += seeingTimeChange * Time.deltaTime;
                        effects.SetFloat ("seeingTime", seeingTime);

                        Debug.Log ("You see it!");
                        Debug.Log (seeingTime);

                    else {
                        effects.SetBool ("seeObject", false);
                        seeingTime -= seeingTimeChange * Time.deltaTime;
                        effects.SetFloat ("seeingTime", seeingTime);
                        Debug.Log ("You don't see it.");
                        Debug.Log (seeingTime);

The problem here is, that while seeingTime is changing and displaying correctly in the console, the Animator parameter “seeingTime” doesn’t change. And it’s not a name problem, because I tried naming them differently from each other.

Hmm. Not sure what’s wrong there for you. If the parameter is named that in the animator, it should work ( just ran a quick test for fun and it worked for me ;))

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So… For some reason the Animator parameter “seeingTime” was an integer, not a float…
walks away slowly, leaving behind his idiocy and guilt

haha. well, you’ll survive :wink: Don’t worry…

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