Setting custom resolution then take screenshot


I need to take a screenshot of my game with 6000x6000, even while the game is paused at this stage, I do not have a monitor that can support this kind of resolution. Is there any possible way to do this through editor script or any other way, it’s fine I just want to use that screenshot on my PC, even if it’s possible to take that screenshot from the scene window instead of the game window, that won’t be a problem for me, the most important thing is that it should be in 6000x6000 res.


Application.CaptureScreenshot has an option second ‘supersize’ parameter. For example, if you pass 4 for this parameter, it will generate an image that is 4X taller and 4X wider.

It’s possible with Renderator :slight_smile:

@Shbli I had the same problem to take screenshots for iPad Pro (2732×2048).

Taking screenshots from the game main camera was not valid for me as I have Unity UI elements that aren’t captured on this way.

Finally I created a really cool solution (playing with the unity Game Window and Application.CaptureScreenshot) that allows to take any size screenshot… and after add a lot of additional features I released it in the Asset Store:

Hi, I am having problems with ScreenShot, it shows only black screen. The weird thing is that I am using same code that works in another project:

if (GUI.Button (new Rect (ancho-2altoaux, 20, 2altoaux, altoaux), new GUIContent (controlTexture6)))





The renderer is probably with more work on my new app… do you think changing resolution may work?