Setting default reviewer for code reviews

Hello, I’m trying to figure out if it’s possible to set a default reviewer that gets assigned to all code reviews.

I’ve googled around a bit but have been having problems finding any info on this, so any help would be great!


Hi @Tondo

Thank you for reaching out to us. There’s no available feature to set the default assignee.

You can use a workaround to set a default assignee by using after-mkreview trigger and API to update the assignee of the code review.

In addition, you can submit a form for the feature request. The instructions are below:

To raise awareness of new features and to allow the community to have more control over what we put into the product, feature Requests are now handled directly by our Product Management team on our Roadmap page. If you do not see your idea listed then please use this form to submit a new one.

Ah I see. I guess I’ll try testing out the API.

Thanks for the clarification and the workaround!


So we finally had the time to try tackling this, and we’ve tried doing something like what was suggested, but are hitting some issues.

So initially we tried pursuing the trigger route via after-mkreview as recommended. But it seems like since we use Unity Cloud, we’re only able to use web triggers, which we’re hoping to avoid due to security reasons.

From there we tried pursuing a solution involving the server REST APIs (including the one suggested), but hit a snag when trying to retrieve an access token using the /api/v1/organizations/{orgName}/login/accesstoken endpoint, which seems to be required to hit some of the endpoints that we need. It seems like this endpoint requires a user and password field linked to a PlasticSCM account, but it seems like since we made our account using the UnityID SSO flow, the PasticSCM account doesn’t have a linked password.

Any help would be greatful, since I’m sure we’re just missing something on our end.

Thank you.