Setting materials intensity OnTriggerEnter

Hello unity folk,
Im trying to set a materials intensity of an object when it enters a box collider. I have the (Car/LightsEmmissive) shader from the car tutorial on my material, the script below is on an object (brakezone) that has a box collider, brakelights var is assigned in the inspector. Im pretty sure its the Mathf.Abs part that’s wrong. Been playing with this for days and cant get it right.
Ive just started using unity and would love some advise. If im on the right track or not. Ive pieced together this scrip from others. Again any feedback would be great. Thanks!

@script RequireComponent (BoxCollider)

public var brakeLights : Material;

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider) {
	if( == "AI_Car-Charger")
		  brakeLights.SetFloat("_Intensity", Mathf.Abs(other));
		brakeLights.SetFloat("_Intensity", 0.0);
}`enter code here`

So this is what I came up with, not the effect im after but it works. Put this script on brake-zone object witch is cube with a box collider, car object has to have box collider as well. Don’t like this at all! would really like to fade the intensity of material on and off with collision enter and exit.

Mesh44 being brakelight object.

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider) {
	if( == "AI_Car-Charger")
		gameObject.Find("Mesh44").renderer.material.color =;
function OnTriggerExit (other : Collider) {
	if( == "AI_Car-Charger")
		gameObject.Find("Mesh44").renderer.material.color = Color.gray;
