Hello everyone!
I’ve looked at other solutions online, such as using RPC’s and what not, but nothing is helping/similar to my issue.
So i decided to turn towards you, the community!
//My Question//
What would i have to do in order to set a gameObjects name and/or tag over Unity’s built in network.
//What I am currently doing//
I am currently sending the chosen team name to the clients through an RPC(RPCMode.ALL) and they are getting it properly client-side, setting their names properly as well, but to other players, their names are just the names of the prefab being spawned in.
I have also tried just sending it regularly and using the players themselves to individually RPC the info to the server and the rest of the players but still nothing.
//Why i need the names/tags set properly//
Just for the kind of team-based game I am creating. Turrets lock onto & fire at anything without the same name as themself, so setting the name/tag of each player is extremely important in my case.
Anything i can do to solve my problem? Because as of this moment i’m thinking of going as far as to creating individual team based player prefabs -.- haha, and I will cry if it comes to this!
Thank you once again for reading,
Nandor Jozef Bakos